Planning & Zoning Commission


Planning & Zoning Commission is responsible to promote the orderly and coordinated development of the Town and the general welfare and prosperity of its residents. The Commission controls and directs the use and development of property in a municipality or a large part of it by dividing it into zoning districts. The Commission regulates the principal and accessory uses permitted  within these districts.

Members & Meetings

The Commission is an elected board consisting of five (5) regular members and three (3) alternates. The Commission meets the first and third Thursday of every month at the Newtown Municipal Center. Meetings start at 7:00 P.M. (Alternates' terms - 2 years, 3 members, not more than 2 from one party).


The following applications go before the Commission: Subdivision and Resubdivision of land – Special Exception Permits – Site Development Plan – Change of Zone – Amendments to their regulations – Sand and Gravel Mining Permits.     You may access a blank application form by clicking here.

Please contact the Land Use Agency if you have any questions at 203-270-4276.

Click here to email the staff at the Land Use Agency with all inquiries and submissions to the public record for Planning and Zoning Commission applications. Complaints must be submitted on a Land Use Inquiry Form, which can be found in the "Downloadable Forms" section.

Click here to email the elected officials on the Commission.  While these communications may not be included with meeting minutes, for Freedom of Information Act purposes they will become part of the public record.

Commission Members

David Rosen (D)

Chair 12/01/23-12/01/27

Barbara Manville (D)


Roy Meadows (R)


Gregory Rich (R)


Connie Widmann (R)


Alternate Members

David Landau (R)


Peter Schwarz (D)


Don A. Mitchell (D)
