The Victory Garden

Supporting Newtown's Food Pantries

Your help is needed to provide fresh produce to food pantries in Newtown.

Please consider donating to the Victory Garden.
Donations should be made to “Newtown Parks & Recreation Department: Park Gift Fund, Memo: Victory Garden.”
A highly successful community endeavor, volunteers with the Victory Garden help grow and deliver fresh produce to Newtown’s local food pantries. Established in its current location in 2011, the Victory Garden is a fruit orchard and 48 garden rows each 50’ long and approximately 2’ wide. The garden has full sun, is protected by high tensile steel deer fencing, has water and a garden shed with tools and supplies. The Parks and Recreation Department provides wood chips for mulch and compost from the Governor’s Horse Guard to improve the soil.
Each row is managed by a team of volunteers that works together to plan, care for, harvest and deliver the products of their labors. Teams are encouraged to create a name - the funnier the better - and make a sign for the end of their row. Some experienced and dedicated gardeners take on the responsibility of managing a row by themselves - a big commitment. There are opportunities for general volunteers to help outside of being on a team. There is no fee to participate. To learn more, click on the Victory Garden application form, rules and guidelines.
For more information, please contact
The Victory Garden Committee:
Gail Friedman  -   Barbara Richardson -  Mark Forstrom
To sign up to Adopt a Row please fill out the Victory Garden Form
(click Adopt a Row here, or download the attachment at the bottom of the page) 
Completed forms should be submitted to the Newtown Parks and Recreation office, using the instructions on the form.
Deadline for Applications: March 15, 2024


PDF icon 2024 Victory Garden Application134.37 KB